These are images that I drew for the wall pictures of Katie's hospital room in the real world. Collectively as a group we've always wanted crayon styled images since the very beginning, so I basically used a splatter brush in Photoshop and played with the settings to try and emulate that effect. As per our story, the images drawn reflect and relate to the objects that appear within Katie's Dream World. Although these may seem like they were just scribbled up, I did have a thinking process while I was creating these images.
Here are some of the reasons why "Katie" drew these each with their own little stories.
The Glob Tree
This is one of the trees in our story. It's a purple blob-like tree that Katie has fittingly named "The Glob Tree". Pieces of it float and orbit around the main blob. It excretes feelings of comfort and happiness.
Never-ending Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the many things that can cause greed. But it also has the potential to enhance the spirit of sharing. But with Never-ending Chocolate you'll never have to be greedy or share because it'll never run out. It can feed everyone.
Golly Lollipops
The only thing better than lollipops are giant Golly Lollipops. Besides being yummy and sweet, they are able hypnotize "Meanies" and keep the "Badness-ness's'' away.
Bye Bye, Flutter By
Flutter By is one of the creatures in Katie's world that spreads joy. He glows brightly to light the way at night and helps
Best Flowers Forever
Katie's world is populated by a lot of friendly flowers which have all been individually named by her. These are some of Katie's closest flower friends -
Binky the cheerful, Frin the helpful and Figma the funny.
Crossing Bridget
This is Bridget the Bridge. She helps those in need get to where they need to go and guides them in the right direction.
Licorice Riddle Sticks
These licorice sticks grow up from the ground. It you are able to find the answer to their riddles you may be granted a "special treasure". This is also my own personal easter egg for one of my favorite Final Fantasy games.
Swirl Surfer is Katie's superhero alter ego. She possesses the power to create and control rainbow swirls. She also travels by surfing on them. Can change the colours of anything by touch.
Glowing butterflies collecting nectar from the friendly flowers. The nectar helps them glow brighter.
Starfish Smash
One of Katies favorite Saturday morning cartoons called "Starfish Smash". It's about a naughty boy named Tierone who was just a little terror. His horrible actions finally result in himself being terrorized by a giant Starfish. This is an easter egg for Group 1's story.
Imaginary Skies
This is a picture Katie drew from one of her favorite story books, "Imaginary Skies". Very relate-able to Katie because she has a very big imagination as well. This is an easter egg for Group 3's story.
Mr Nagaraj
Katie's favorite teacher, Mr Nagaraj. This is another easter egg and a small dedication to our 3D tutor Raj.
And that's about it. It was fun drawing these pictures. All these images will be in the ending scenes of our short film. This is very much a showcase of my inner 6 year old girl! Lol!