Thursday, November 28, 2013

Scene 19 Final...

Scene 19 Final

This is one of our smaller scenes near the end of the dream sequence. 50 frames in total, 2 seconds of animation. Not quite the amazing animation scene but relevant none-the-less. Although you can see Katie's hand freeze just below the screen, its laying outside of our render camera which means it won't be seen in our final rendered composition.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Scene 11 Partial...

Shot 11 In Progress

This scene was only supposed to have a single butterfly in it but after it was referenced in, the scene still looked too spacious. So respectively I had to duplicate the original butterfly two more times, changed the texture colours for one duplicate to red and the other to yellow and then referenced both into scene 11. The group all agreed that it looked better. Then I proceeded to animate, using the exact timing on all of them then offsetting the timing using the Graph Editor. The scene was to be complete by Zack.

Shot 11 Render

This is a render image of scene 11 final. It turned out better than I expected. The lighting done by Jitesh and Zack really enhanced the glow of the butterfly.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Scene 9 - 10 Final...

Scene 9 - 10 Final

Finished animating scene 9 and 10. I felt it worked well despite my constant problems with Katie's feet warping at random times. My walk cycle is consistent and well planned. There are teeny tiny rotations in the hips but not quite seen from the camera angles here. Was not able to rotate as far as I wanted without distorting Katie's knees and feet further. I decided to have Katie stop for a while to observe the bridge construction before carrying on drawing and moving forward. The team and I felt this was necessary to give time for the bridge to fully build and not have Katie simply zoom over it like in the animatic and storyboards. I also tried to add some small secondary movement in her ponytail but like Katies hip rotations, its not quite noticeable.

Scene 9 Render

This is a final render image from scene 9. It turned out better than I expected. Jitesh did a great job adjusting our final lighting for the dream world. All our renders look great so far.

Scene 10 Render

Thankfully scene 10's final render is just as good as scene 9's because they were animated together.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Scene 9 - 10 In Progress...

Scene 9 - 10 In Progress

Here I've animated the beginning of scene 9 and 10. We decided to have these scenes animated together to keep the consistency of the bridge when it constructs itself. 
All the flowers had already been animated through blend shapes when I'd referenced them in the layout phase. So I just changed the timing for all of them, offsetting the keys through the graph editor so that the flowers closest to the puzzled side edges would animate first followed by the rest inwards towards the bridge. The bridge itself builds forward, plank by plank followed by the pieces of the rail.