Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rough Animatic...

This is a very rough animatic of our basic story edited together in After Effects from previous storyboards. I had to modify and cut a few of the intro scenes because they took up too much time and didn't really add much to the overall story. I also did very basic timing which will be more refined in the final animatic.

Happy Endings (Rough Animatic)

We pitched this to the tutors and got quite a positive response along with some positive feedback. Our story was clear and straight forward even though it lagged a wee bit in the middle of our presentation due to technical issues. The only things that were highly recommended was to delete a few scenes near the end. They found that the mid shot where Katie is lying on the bed was unnecessary and the end shot where the spikes flat line. Tutors recommended that it might have a better impact if we use only sound for the flat line because we've already established whats actually happening from showing Katie in the bed. Tutors were also concerned with how the objects would grow and materialize and suggested we try some animation tests to figure it out.

Now after we implement those tiny changes to the storyboard we have to finalize Katie's character design and further plan what objects will be appearing within the dream sequence.

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